The z steel purlin is a type of steel with a Z-shaped cross section. The product is usually perforated so that it can be easily combined with other types of cipher plates. The product is lightweight, has good bearing capacity and is easy to transport.
Latest updated Z steel purlin quote 2020
Customers can see the price list directly at the price list of the website. Or contact Tiger steel through the hotline to receive the most accurate product information and price list. Tiger steel We will update the full catalog and full price list on the website so that customers can easily grasp the correct and fastest information as possible.
Specifications of steel purlin Z
Z purlins have many different sizes and are manufactured from hot rolled steel, cold can. Similar to C purlin, Z purlin also has two types: black purlin and galvanized purlin. Please refer to some sizes of Z purlins
Distribution of Z steel purlins in Ho Chi Minh City
Customers in Ho Chi Minh City can go to Tiger steel store to visit and buy Z steels. We are one of the reputable companies specializing in trading quality sections with the best prices in the market. We have varietiescheap shaped steel such as: U-shaped steel, I-shaped steel, V-shaped steel, H-shaped steel, C-shaped steel, Z-shaped steel …
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