DIN . Standard Flange

Most countries in Europe mainly install flanges according to DIN EN 1092-1 (stainless steel or forged steel flanges).

Similar to the ASME flange standard, the EN 1092-1 standard has basic flange forms. Such as:

  • Weld neck flange
  • Blind flange
  • Threaded Flange
  • Threaded flange (ISO7-1 thread instead of NPT)
  • Connector Welding Flange
  • Compressor connection flange
  • Flanges for adapters such as flanges for coupling fittings.
Several styles of flanges

DIN EN 1092-1.Standard Flange Specifications

Specifications of flanges made according to JIS B2220
JIS 5K. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích JIS 5K

JIS 5K. flange drawing

Thông số bích JIS 5K

JIS 5K. Flange Specifications

JIS 10K. Flange Standard Specifications

Bản vẽ mặt bích JIS 10K

JIS 10K. Flange Drawing

Thông số bích JIS 10K

JIS 10K. Flange Specifications

JIS 16K. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích JIS 16K

JIS 16K. flange drawing

Thông số mặt bích JIS 16K

16K. JIS Flange Specifications

JIS 20K. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích JIS 20K

20K. JIS flange drawing

Thông số mặt bích JIS 20K

20K. JIS Flange Specification

Specifications of flanges made according to DIN. standards

DIN 2576 – PN6. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích DIN PN6

DIN PN6. flange drawing

DIN PN6. Flange Specification Table

DIN 2576 – PN10. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích DIN PN10

DIN PN10. flange drawing

DIN PN10. Flange Specification Table

DN LINK DETAILS The outer diameter of the welding neck Diameter Hole Flange Thickness Beveled Face Connector Thickness Welding Face Diameter LENGTH DIAMETER OF WELDING NECKLINE CONNECTOR ANGLE Welding Neck Thickness
Outside Diameter Diameter of Bolt circle Bolt Hole Diameter Bolt
D K L Quantity Size A B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 E F G max H1 H2 H3 N1 N2 N3 R1 S
Flange type
01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 13, 21 11
2 4 01
21 5 02
5 12
21 11
10 to 40 Use pressure class PN40
50 to 150 Use pressure class PN16
200 340 295 22 8 M20 219,1 221,5 226 240 24 24 24 24 6 20 190 44 62 16 234 246 246 10 6,3
250 395 350 22 12 M20 273 276,5 281 294 26 26 26 26 8 22 235 46 68 16 292 298 298 12 6,3
300 445 400 22 12 M20 323,9 327,5 333 348 26 26 26 26 8 22 285 46 68 16 342 350 348 12 7,1
350 505 460 22 16 M20 355,6 359,5 365 400 28 26 26 26 8 22 330 53 68 16 385 400 408 12 7,1
400 565 515 26 16 M24 406,4 411 416 450 32 26 26 26 8 24 380 57 72 16 440 456 456 12 7,1
450 615 565 26 20 M24 457 462 467 498 36 28 28 28 8 24 425 63 72 16 488 502 502 12 7,1
500 670 620 26 20 M24 508 513,5 519 550 38 28 28 28 8 26 475 67 75 16 542 559 559 12 7,1
600 780 725 30 20 M27 610 616,5 622 650 42 28 34 34 8 26 575 75 80 18 642 658 658 12 7,1
700 895 840 30 24 M27 711 30 34 38 670 80 18 746 772 12 8
800 1015 950 33 24 M30 813 32 36 42 770 90 18 850 876 12 8
900 1115 1050 33 28 M30 914 34 38 46 860 95 20 950 976 12 10
1000 1230 1160 36 28 M33 1016 34 38 52 960 95 20 1052 1080 16 10
1200 1455 1380 39 32 M36 1219 38 44 60 1160 115 25 1256 1292 16 11
1400 1675 1590 42 36 M39 1422 42 48 120 25 1460 1496 16 12
1600 1915 1820 48 40 M45 1626 46 52 130 25 1666 1712 16 14
1800 2115 2020 48 44 M45 1829 50 56 140 30 1868 1910 16 15
2000 2325 2230 48 48 M45 2032 54 60 150 30 2072 2120 16 16
2200 2550 2440 56 52 M52 2235 58 160 35 2275 18 18
2400 2760 2650 56 56 M52 2438 62 170 35 2478 18 20
2600 2960 2850 56 60 M52 2620 66 180 40 2680 18 22
2800 3180 3070 56 64 M52 2820 70 190 40 2882 18 22
3000 3405 3290 62 68 M56 3020 75 200 45 3085 18 24

DIN 2544 – PN16. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích DIN PN16

DIN PN16. flange drawing

DIN PN16. Flange Specification Table

DN LINK DETAILS The outer diameter of the welding neck Diameter Hole Flange Thickness Beveled Face Connector Thickness Welding Face Diameter LENGTH DIAMETER OF WELDING NECKLINE CONNECTOR ANGLE Welding Neck Thickness
Outside Diameter Diameter of Bolt circle Bolt Hole Diameter Bolt
D K L Quantity Size A B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 E F G max H1 H2 H3 N1 N2 N3 R1 S
Flange type
01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 13, 21 11
2 4 01
21 5 02
5 12
21 11
10 to 40 Use pressure class PN40
50 165 125 18 4 M16 60,3 61,5 65 77 19 18 18 18 5 16 28 45 8 74 84 84 5 2,9
65 185 145 18 8 M16 76,1 77,5 81 96 20 18 18 18 6 16 55 32 45 10 92 104 104 6 2,9
80 200 160 18 8 M16 88,9 90,5 94 108 20 20 20 20 6 16 70 34 50 10 105 118 120 6 3,2
100 220 180 18 8 M16 114,3 116 120 134 22 20 20 20 6 18 90 40 52 12 131 140 140 8 3,6
125 250 210 18 8 M16 139,7 141,5 145 162 22 22 22 22 6 18 115 44 55 12 156 168 170 8 4
150 285 240 22 8 M20 168,3 170,5 174 188 24 22 22 22 6 20 140 44 55 12 184 195 190 10 4,5
200 340 295 22 12 M20 219,1 221,5 226 240 26 24 24 24 6 20 190 44 62 16 235 246 246 10 6,3
250 405 355 26 12 M24 273 276,5 281 294 29 26 26 26 8 22 235 46 70 16 292 298 296 12 6,3
300 460 410 26 12 M24 323,9 327,5 33 348 32 28 28 28 8 24 285 46 78 16 344 350 350 12 7,1
350 520 470 26 16 M24 355,6 359 365 400 35 30 30 30 8 26 330 57 82 16 390 400 410 12 8
400 580 525 30 16 M27 406,4 411 416 454 38 32 32 32 8 28 380 63 85 16 445 456 458 12 8
450 640 585 30 20 M27 457 462 467 500 42 40 40 40 8 30 425 68 87 16 490 502 516 12 8
500 715 650 33 20 M30 508 513,5 510 556 46 44 44 44 8 32 475 73 90 16 548 559 576 12 8
600 840 770 36 20 M33 610 616,5 622 660 52 54 54 54 8 32 575 83 95 18 652 658 690 12 8,8
700 910 840 36 24 M33 711 36 42 48 670 83 100 18 755 760 760 12 8,8
800 1025 950 39 24 M36 813 38 42 52 770 90 105 20 855 864 862 12 10
900 1125 1050 39 28 M36 914 40 44 58 860 94 110 20 955 968 962 12 10
1000 1255 1170 42 28 M39 1016 42 46 64 960 100 120 22 1058 1072 1070 16 10
1200 1485 1390 48 32 M45 1219 48 52 76 1160 130 30 1262 1282 16 12,5
1400 1685 1590 48 36 M45 1422 52 58 1346 145 30 1465 1482 16 14,2
1600 1930 1820 56 40 M52 1626 58 64 1546 160 35 1668 1696 16 16
1800 2130 2020 56 44 M52 1829 62 68 1746 170 35 1870 1896 16 17,5
2000 2345 2230 62 48 M56 2032 66 70 1950 180 40 2072 2100 16 20

DIN 2544 – PN25. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích DIN PN25DIN PN25. flange drawing

DIN PN25. Flange Specification Table

DN LINK DETAILS The outer diameter of the welding neck Diameter Hole Flange Thickness Beveled Face Connector Thickness Welding Face Diameter LENGTH DIAMETER OF WELDING NECKLINE CONNECTOR ANGLE Welding Neck Thickness
Outside Diameter Diameter of Bolt circle Bolt Hole Diameter Bolt
D K L Quantity Size A B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 E F G max H1 H2 H3 N1 N2 N3 R1 S
Flange type
01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 13, 21 11
2 4 01
21 5 02
5 12
21 11
10 to 150 Use pressure class PN40
200 360 310 26 12 M24 219,1 221,5 226 250 32 30 30 30 6 26 190 52 80 16 244 256 252 10 6,3
250 425 370 30 12 M27 273 276,5 281 302 35 32 32 32 8 26 235 60 88 18 298 310 304 12 7,1
300 485 430 30 16 M27 323,9 327,5 333 356 38 34 34 34 8 28 285 67 92 18 352 364 364 12 8
350 555 490 33 16 M30 355,6 359,5 365 408 42 38 38 38 8 32 332 72 100 20 398 418 418 12 8
400 620 550 36 16 M33 406,4 411 416 462 46 40 40 40 8 34 380 78 110 20 452 472 472 12 8,8
450 670 600 36 20 M33 457 462 467 510 50 46 46 46 8 36 425 84 110 20 500 520 520 12 8,8
500 730 660 36 20 M33 508 513,5 519 568 56 48 48 48 8 38 475 90 125 20 558 580 580 12 10
600 845 770 39 20 M36 610 616,5 622 670 68 58 58 58 8 40 575 100 125 20 660 684 684 12 11
700 960 875 42 24 M39 711 46 50 125 20 760 780 12 12,5
800 1085 990 48 24 M45 813 50 54 135 22 864 882 12 14,2
900 1185 1090 48 28 M45 914 54 58 145 24 968 982 12 16
1000 1320 1210 56 28 M52 1016 58 62 155 24 1070 1086 16 17,5
1200 1530 1420 56 32 M52 1219 70 1296 18
1400 1755 1640 62 36 M56 1422 76 1508 18
1600 1975 1860 62 40 M56 1626 84 1726 20
1800 2195 2070 70 44 M64 1829 90 1920 20
2000 2425 2300 70 48 M64 2032 96 2150 20

DIN 2544 – PN40. flange standard specification

Bản vẽ mặt bích DIN PN40DIN PN40. flange drawing

DIN PN40. Flange Specification Table

DN LINK DETAILS OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF THE WELDING NECK Diameter Hole Flange Thickness Beveled Face Connector Thickness Welding Face Diameter LENGTH DIAMETER OF WELDING NECKLINE CONNECTOR ANGLE Welding Neck Thickness
Outside Diameter Diameter of Bolt circle Bolt Hole Diameter Bolt
D K L Quantity Size A B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 E F G max H1 H2 H3 N1 N2 N3 R1 S
Flange type
01, 02, 04, 05, 11, 12, 13, 21 11
2 4 01
21 5 02
5 12
21 11
10 90 60 14 4 M12 17,2 18 21 31 14 16 16 16 3 12 22 35 6 28 30 28 4 1,8
15 95 65 14 4 M12 21,3 22 25 35 14 16 16 16 3 12 22 38 6 32 35 32 4 2
20 105 75 14 4 M12 26,9 27,5 31 42 16 18 18 18 4 14 26 40 6 40 45 40 4 2,3
25 115 85 14 4 M12 33,7 34,5 38 49 16 18 18 18 4 14 28 40 6 46 52 50 4 2,6
32 140 100 18 4 M16 42,4 43,5 47 59 18 18 18 18 5 14 30 42 6 56 60 60 6 2,6
40 150 110 18 4 M16 48,3 49,5 53 67 18 18 18 18 5 14 32 45 7 64 70 70 6 2,6
50 165 125 18 4 M16 60,3 61,5 65 77 20 20 20 20 5 16 34 48 8 75 84 84 6 2,9
65 185 145 18 8 M16 76,1 77,5 81 96 22 22 22 22 6 16 55 38 52 10 90 104 104 6 2,9
80 200 160 18 8 M16 88,9 90,5 94 114 24 24 24 24 6 18 70 40 58 12 105 118 120 8 3,2
100 235 190 22 8 M20 114,3 116 120 138 26 24 24 24 6 20 90 44 65 12 134 145 142 8 3,6
125 270 220 26 8 M24 139,7 141,5 145 166 28 26 26 26 6 22 115 48 68 12 162 170 162 8 4
150 300 250 26 8 M24 168,3 170,5 174 194 30 28 28 28 6 24 140 52 75 12 192 200 192 10 4,5
200 375 320 30 12 M27 219,1 221,5 226 250 36 34 34 36 6 28 190 52 88 16 244 260 254 10 6,3
250 450 385 33 12 M30 273 276,5 281 312 38 38 38 38 8 30 235 60 105 18 306 312 312 12 7,1
300 515 450 33 16 M30 323,9 327,5 333 368 42 42 42 42 8 34 285 67 115 18 362 380 378 12 8
350 580 510 36 16 M33 355,6 359,5 365 418 46 46 46 46 8 36 330 72 125 20 408 424 432 12 8,8
400 660 585 39 16 M36 406,4 411 416 472 50 50 50 50 8 42 380 78 135 20 462 478 498 12 11
450 685 610 39 20 M36 457 462 467 510 57 57 57 57 8 46 425 84 135 20 500 522 522 12 12,5
500 755 670 42 20 M39 508 513,5 519 572 57 57 57 57 8 50 475 90 140 20 562 576 576 12 14,2
600 890 795 48 20 M45 610 616,5 622 676 72 72 72 72 8 54 575 100 150 20 666 686 686 12 16

Specifications for flanges made according to ANSI

Standard Specifications of 150. Series ANSI Flanges


Standard Specifications of the 300. Series ANSI Flanges

mat-bich-thep-ansi-300  ???In addition to two lines, 150 & 300 are common goods, ANSI flanges also have other lines 400, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500. You can see more in the table below (Documents are quoted from the standard). ASME/ANSI B16.10/19).

Flange Standard Specification BS 4504 – EN 1092

BS 4504 PN6. flange standard specification


Specifications of BS 4504 PN10. flange standard


Specifications of BS 4504 PN16. flange standard


Specification of BS 4504 PN25. flange standard


Specifications of standard flange BS 4504 PN40


Application of EN 1092-1. standard flange

Most of the DIN flanges on the market are made of stainless steel and are used for microbiological technology.

In addition, it also has other applications such as:

  • Industries, where flammable, volatile, toxic, or corrosive substances are being handled, have special protection needs.
  • Treatment plant or power station.
  • Undersea or blast furnace oil and gas pipelines, cold and cryogenic work, gas injection, high temperature, and nuclear applications.
  • Used in factories applying microbiological technology, …
Some applications of flanges

Hopefully, the knowledge that Tiger Steel provides above will be useful to you. If you need to buy steel flanges, you can contact Tiger Steel. In addition to welding flange products,

Tiger Steel trades in black steel pipes, galvanized steel pipes, black square steels, galvanized Hoa Phat, SeAH, …; cast steel pipe, large diameter steel pipe. Steel pipe fittings of all kinds, fire protection accessories, …

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