The most reliable brand in construction materials today that can only make you believe and secure is the Japanese steel brand. , our company is also a leader in the import of Japanese steel, As a facility specializing in steel imports, you can feel secure , when finding the right quality products, saving costs, considerable effort and faster construction time…Please contact us on hotline 0932059176 to get the best advice, FKK products imported by Bao Tin Steel Company have all achieved international quality certificates such as JIS and ISO 9001 management system, products of all sizes and types serving the steel industry. , manufactured according to JIS standards, specializing in civil works and construction industry

Please refer FKK welding accessories price list updated standard prices .
The following include:
Price list of black welding Elbow90 ,
Price list of black welding Tee .
Price list of black welding Elbow45 .
Price list of black welding Reducer.
Price list of galvanized welding Elbow90.
Price list of galvanized welding Tee.
Price list of galvanized welding Reducer.
Price list of welding caps .
Price list of Elbow 90-welding agent.

Price list of Tee-welding agent
Price list of Reduce Tee-welding agent