Giacomini ball valve catalog latest update 2025

Giacomini ball valve catalog latest update 2025

You are interested in and looking for the genuine Giacomini ball valve catalogue. You want to know full and accurate information: technical specifications, drawings of symbols on size, height, … of all valve products from this brand. The article below will answer all your questions about Giacomini ball valve products – water industry accessories.

About Giacomini brand

Giacomini is a global manufacturer of underfloor and ceiling heating and cooling systems, thermal energy metering, water and air conditioning. Giacomini is headquartered in San Maurizio d’Opaglio, Italy. Founded in 1951 as a small workshop producing brass taps and valves. With over 70 years of activity, the company has gained a strong foothold in the national and international markets.

In particular, Giacomini expanded its Asian branch in Beijing (China). The first representative office in Asia was opened in 2002. Since then, the presence and importance of Giacomini products have increased in all Asia-Pacific markets.
One of the core factors that create Giacomini’s reputation is quality products. This brand operates with the motto: “Desire to work ethically, sustainably for people and the environment”. Ball valve products are manufactured in modern factories with advanced machinery. The production process is strict and tightly managed. Thanks to that, customers always feel secure and confident when choosing this brand.
Giacomini Italia
Giacomini Headquarters in Italy

Download or view the Giacomini ball valve catalogue directly here

Many steel scams are going on right now. Providing authentic documents and accurate information is essential in today’s digital age. You can download or view the Giacomini ball valve catalogue directly on the Bao Tin Steel website (authorized distributor).

This catalogue is like a document, a document file that introduces full information and describes the drawings of Giacomini ball valves. Specifically, it includes information such as material, size, temperature, working pressure and basic parameters related to ball valves.


Please fill in the information below accurately to receive the Catalogue.

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Giacomini top ball valve products

Below are the main ball valve products from the famous Italian brand – Giacomini:

Brass ball valve

Giacomini bronze ball valve is a type of ball valve made of bronze or brass. This device has good pressure resistance and corrosion resistance, suitable for applications in the water industry and HVAC systems.

Valve bi đồng R250DValves bi đồng R251DVan bi đồng R251SVan bi đồng R251TValves bi đồng R254DVan bi đồng R254CCVan bi đồng R256D và R255VTVan bi đồng R259DBall valve R259Ball valves R285Ball valves R850Van bi đồng R858Catalogue van bi đồngVan bi đồng R853VWLVan bi đồng R914Thông số kỹ thuật van bi đồng GiacominiQuy cách van bi đồng R790Ball valves catalogue

Chrome-plated brass ball valve

Giacomini brand chrome-plated brass ball valve is a type of ball valve that is coated with an additional layer of chrome on the metal surface of the brass ball valve device. Chrome plating is one of the techniques widely used in the industrial sector today. This plating layer not only helps to treat the surface, it also creates a coating that is resistant to corrosion, creates brightness, increases bearing capacity, etc.

Not only that, chrome plating also helps the brass ball valve not be affected even when working in high-temperature environments.

Most brass ball valve equipment must be exposed to chemicals and pressure working environments, so manufacturers must use chromium plating. Therefore, it can resist corrosion and withstand high friction.

Van bi R250D có nguồn gốc từ Ý

Van bi đồng mạ crom R250DS

Van bi đồng mạ crom Giacomini

Van bi đồng mạ crom R251DVan bi đồng mạ crom R251SVan bi đồng mạ crom R251TVan bi đồng mạ crom R251THVan bi đồng mạ crom R253Van bi đồng mạ crom R254DVan bi đồng mạ crom R258CCVan bi đồng mạ crom R259DVan bi đồng mạ crom R259Van bi đồng mạ crom R850Van bi R851Van bi R251P

Nickel plated brass ball valve

Nickel plating is the process of coating a layer of nickel on the surface of copper materials. This method is often done to protect the copper surface from oxidation, helping to increase the durability and gloss of the valve surface. This nickel plating layer also helps the ball valve surface to be resistant to corrosion and withstand mechanical impacts.

Nickel-plated copper ball valve R910Catalogue van bi đồng mạ niken GiacominiVan bi đồng mạ niken R911Van bi đồng mạ niken R913Ball valve nickel plated R919Catalogue ball valve

Address for distributing genuine Giacomini ball valves, good price

Due to the increasing demand for Giacomini brand ball valves. Currently, there have been some bad actions such as providing poor-quality products to the market. Therefore, choosing a product that meets the standards, is genuine, and has a good price is a headache for customers.
If you are looking for a reputable distributor of industrial valves in general, Giacomini ball valves in particular, with a good warranty and customer care policy, come to us – Bao Tin Steel Company Limited.
With more than a decade of operation, Bao Tin Steel is confident in bringing customers quality industrial valves at competitive prices. You can completely rest assured when purchasing from our company because:
  • Products are imported directly (no intermediaries)
  • Full accompanying documents
  • Fast delivery and flexible payment methods
  • In particular, our sales staff is always ready to advise and help you choose the valve model that suits your needs and economic conditions.

Not only Giacomini ball valves, but at Bao Tin Steel there are also many industrial valve lines from other famous brands: ShinYi, Miha, YDK, …. for you to choose from.


Thank you for reading the Giacomini ball valve catalogue article. Hopefully, this article will help readers in choosing the ball valve line from Italy that is suitable for their system. All products provided by Bao Tin Steel are guaranteed quality, genuine, and have a warranty. Come to Bao Tin Steel to experience the reliability and quality of Giacomini ball valves!

Tiger Steel is a subsidiary of Bao Tin Steel

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