Project: Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant – Ha Tinh

Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant project is invested by Vung Ang II Thermal Power Company Limited (VAPCO).

The project is in Ky Loi Commune, Ky Anh District, Ha Tinh Province. This is currently the largest thermal power plant project in the Central region of Vietnam and is one of four plants of the Vung Ang thermal power centre.

The Vung Ang II BOT thermal power plant project has a total investment of 2.2 billion USD. It is invested in the form of BOT with 3 shareholders with the following capital contribution ratio:

  • Vietnam Machinery Installation Corporation (LILAMA) 25%
  • Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation (REE) 23%
  • One Energy Company (Hong Kong) 30%
  • Other shareholders hold the remaining shares (22%)

The plant has 2 units with a total capacity of 1,330 MW. The project will be planned to include:

  • Main Plant
  • Coal Unloading Wharf
  • Ash Disposal
  • Related Auxiliary Facilities

Below is a short video updating the construction progress inside the Vung Ang 2 thermal power plant project.

The project is expected to be completed and put into commercial operation in the third quarter of 2025.

Bao Tin Steel is honoured to be the supplier of galvanized cast steel pipes, galvanized flanges, valve accessories, galvanized welding elbows, galvanized welding tees, galvanized pipe reducers, etc. for the project.

See more projects:

Hạ vật tư xuống công trình nhiệt điện Vũng Áng 2
Lowering materials to the Vung Ang 2 thermal power plant
Chuyến hàng vật tư đầu tiên về nhiệt điện Vũng Áng 2
The first shipment of materials to Vung Ang 2 Thermal Power Plant
Ống đúc mạ kẽm cấp cho nhiệt điện Vũng Áng 2
Galvanized cast pipes supplied to Vung Ang 2 thermal power plant
Tiger Steel is a subsidiary of Bao Tin STeel

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